Robert Steele: TIME Magazine Beneath Contempt — a CIA Mossad Asset as a “Guardian of Truth?” Seriously?

I don’t make this stuff up. TIME Magazine has once again prostituted itself to CIA and the Mossad while failing to tell the truth about global events and domestic traitors. How unethical do you have to be (TIME Editors are not stupid, far from it) to put a known triple agent (CIA, Mossad, Saudi intelligence) …

Robert Steele: The Second American Revolution – Abbreviated Reflections

The Second American Revolution – Abbreviated Reflections Russian International Affairs Council 26 November 2018 I had occasion recently to engage with the thinking of the very talented Professor Igor Panarin, a most distinguished Russian intelligence officer and strategic forecaster, and today the dean of the Russian school for future diplomats. In 1998 he predicted the …

Robert Steele: Zionism, Judaism, & the Apartheid Genocidal State of Isreal — A Super Article by Lynda Burstein Brayer

Zionism, Judaism and the Jewish State of Israel: Separateness, ontological uniqueness and Jewish morality are its characteristics by Lynda Burstein Brayer for The Saker Blog “I have been asked as to what I consider to be the solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. There will never be a freely-agreed upon political solution unless the Jews admit …

Robert Steele: Trump-Putin-Xi: Reflections on What Is Not Visible…

Trump-Putin-Xi: Reflections on What Is Not Visible… Russian International Affairs Council 20 November 2018 I always appreciate the thoughts of Andrey Kortunov and read “Trump-Putin Meetings: Do Elephants Need Celibacy”[1] with great interest.  While I agree with most of what my colleague has written, I want to make a few points that should be encouraging …

Robert Steele: Deep State is Starting World War III UPDATE 3: Victoria Nuland & Zionists Seek Two-Front War Against Russia & Iran

SHORT URL: UPDATE 3: Victoria Nuland & Zionists Seek Two-Front War Against Russia & Iran A senior retired officer wrote this: Vicky Nuland ordered  [Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko] to start a war with Russian Federation and guaranteed that NATO and Pentagon would step in and defeat the Russians? NeoCons, PNACers and Zionists believe that …