Robert Steele: The Future Can Be Shaped with Evidence-Based Dialog

The Future Can Be Shaped with Evidence-Based Dialog Russian International Affairs Council I always enjoy visiting the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC), and most recently read “Entering 2019: Challenges and Opportunities,” by President Igor Ivanov of RIAC, himself also former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (1998–2004). I agree with everything he writes, …

Gordon Duff: The Deep State’s Secret War on Russia — MH-17, Another False Flag from Israel Soon…

The Deep State’s Secret War on Russia Between PMCs (Private Military Contractors) and the internet monstrosities of Google and Facebook, engineering false flag terrorism and mass murder is likely to become a real market sector alongside the Dow Jones Industrials. . . . . . Evidence from sources in Kiev now indicate that the downing …

Stephen E. Arnold: False Positives from Flawed Algorithms and Flawed Image Matching Ruin Lives

False Positives: The New Normal And this is why so many people are wary of handing too much power to algorithms. TechDirt reports, “School Security Software Decided Innocent Parent Is Actually a Registered Sex Offender.” That said, it seems some common sense on the part of the humans involved would have prevented the unwarranted humiliation. …

SPECIAL: WWIII Starts 14 December 2018 in Ukraine? Russian Military Briefing Video (English Captions), Nuclear Analysis by Eric Zuesse, Comment by Robert Steele

Turn on Closed Captions (CC) for English Sub-Titles Executive Summary: Ukraine attacks Russia 14 December after a false flag. US nuclear capabilities not quite ready, US military aviation is at 40%, US naval vessels are totally vulnerable to electromagnetic neutralization, and US ground forces are vulnerable to geospatial neutralization, hence US under Trump may not …