Art Kleiner: The Felt-Fair Economy and the Future of Economic Confidence

THE FELT-FAIR ECONOMY AND THE FUTURE OF ECONOMIC CONFIDENCE By Art Kleiner Introduction In the 1940s, Elliott Jaques – an eminent and original organizational theorist, and the person who coined the terms “corporate culture” and “midlife crisis” – introduced a management metric he called “felt-fair pay.” He interviewed thousands of employees at hierarchical organizations around …

The Steele Report Questions Being Answered Today

Adm Mike Rogers Does Mike Rogers have a role to play in the next Trump term? Air Combat Simon Parks today said there was American-Chinese-Iranian air combat engagement ‘somewhere’ between 1/1/21 & 1/? …do you know anything about this? If true ‘ZERO NEWS Coverage”???

The Steele Report Grades & Topics Today

Robert grades White House, Economy, Society, and UK/Israel Green, Message Yellow.  The following topics are covered today: Announcing Three Movies Made Possible by Donors & Subscribers Are We Facing a Looming Power Outage, Food Crisis, & Real Pandemic? Rise of “The Sheriffs’ Movement” or Constitutional Sheriffs (and Pastors?) #UNRIG Election Reform Act — Could Country …

5 Movies Opening Minds — Update 25 March

POSTED: The Cult of  Lucifer(Highbrow) The Cult of Lucifer (Lowbrow) IN PROGRESS: #UNRIG Elections  ( Wall Street Treason & Crime ( Satanic Empire ( NEW: ‘ARISE USA! – The Resurrection of a Nation’ ( – Directed by Sacha Stone