#UNRIG Phase II — The Year of the Independent UPDATE 1

#UNRIG Phase II – The Year of the Independent SHORT URL: http://tinyurl.com/UNRIG-II Forthcoming in Independent Voter Network UPDATE 1: http://tinyurl.com/UNRIG-JOIN now open. 435 groups, one for each Congressional District, twice as good as MeetUp at a quarter of the price. Context Phase I of #UNRIG,[1] in which I teamed up with Cynthia McKinney to offer the …

Robert Steele: Trump Triumph in 3 Moves UPDATE 8 WH 4.0, Trump 2.0, #UNRIG 4.0

SHORT URL: http://tinyurl.com/TrumpTriumph Published 20171026, update 20190203 The loss of the House is both threatening and an opportunity. Despite growing Democratic scandals  (including Mossad control of Debbie Wasserman Schultz to spy on Members with Pakistani patsies and Democratic funding of the false dossier by Christopher Steele (no relation)) and Clinton Foundation charity fraud connected to …

#UNRIG Phrase II Mission, Vision, Concept – Election Reform to Achieve Independence from the Deep State and the Two-Party Tyranny that Enables the Deep State NEW #UNRIG Global Logo

Phase II of #UNRIG has begun. In part because Cynthia McKinney could not leave her job in Bangladesh, in part because of a major Deep State/Zionist-led attack on #UNRIG (six ways, ninety days), our funding collapsed and I was forced to sell the RV yesterday mostly to avoid $10K in looming insurance, storage, and property …

Robert Steele: Privatizing Covert Operations – The Most Asinine, Unconstitutional, Unethical Idea of the 21st Century (Trump Revolution 20)

Privatizing Covert Operations The Most Asinine, Unconstitutional, Unethical Idea of the 21st Century UPDATE 1: BoingBoing is saying Blackwater also proposed killing Trump enemies within the USA. I doubt this but am asking around. ORIGINAL (also a Kindle) If Mike Pompeo wants to commit virtual suicide and end his prospects of being an effective Secretary …