Answers for Tasnim News Agency on Grand Strategy in Relation to Assassination of Scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh – And Could He Have Defected?

Death of ‘Zionist Israel’ Sweetest Revenge for Killing of Top Iran Scientist: Ex-CIA Officer Tasnim News Agency, 30 November 2020 UPDATE at End: 3Day3Nights posits defection rather than assassination. Below is the complete four question interview with full answers and four graphics not included in the editorially stunted version above.

Robert Steele: Core Building Block for Web 3.0 – SORA Decentralized Blockchain Ecology

I have started assembling the top twelve minds for the creation of Web 3.0. This was written by one of the twelve. The SORA Parliament Sora XOR Multi-body sortition allows for collusion- and censorship-resistant governance Unlike many other blockchain networks and societies that use token voting, SORA will utilize multi-body sortition in order to govern …

Robert Steele: Concept for a Movie on Election & Media Fraud + What Next

Memorable Short URL: The model they used for Thousand Pieces could work   In combination, a series of interviews plus video of Patrick Byrne’s team plus Constitutional and state legislative authority clips plus pulls from the videos and articles at will fill the vacuum between media lies and Trump tweets plus Q plus those …

Mongoose: Extra Info Off the Boards — Most Secure Election Yes Because We Caught Them Everywhere — “Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming”

Alert Reader, a Q Anon, sends this in via email: EXTRA INFO OFF THE BOARDS: Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming is more than just a catch phrase. NCSWIC. Did the Fake News take the bait with the bold text from CISA? Maybe they are telling the truth. Maybe this was the most secure election …

Robert Steele: Insurrection Act on Strip Alert?

All my indicators suggest that President Trump will NOT need the insurrection act but firing Mark Esper, as big a pussy as Leon Panetta, was a necessary pre-condition to keeping that option open. The US Marine Corps is ALWAYS available to the President, ALWAYS exempt from Posse Comitatus restrictions. Intelligence readers will remember the USMC …