Robert Steele: Are We to Be God’s People’s or Slaves to the Deep State?

As received via email.  Share if you consider worthy of sharing.  This matters in part because too many have lost their minds by design of the Deep State to drugs and mediocre education as well as entertainment designed to dull. Religion has been hijacked by foreign powers and Satanic forces. Below addresses the supremacy of …

Robert Steele: Is Donald Trump Managing Joe Biden?

Matt Taibbi deserves credit for opening my eyes to the possibility that everything we are watching is a Wrestlemania drama, with Joe Biden as the designated “heel” or loser. Review: Hate Inc. Why Today’s Media Makes Us Despise One Another by Matt Taibbi The more I observe the calculated insanity of the Biden-Harris pedophile-transvestite team, …

Robert Steele: Insurrection Act on Strip Alert?

All my indicators suggest that President Trump will NOT need the insurrection act but firing Mark Esper, as big a pussy as Leon Panetta, was a necessary pre-condition to keeping that option open. The US Marine Corps is ALWAYS available to the President, ALWAYS exempt from Posse Comitatus restrictions. Intelligence readers will remember the USMC …

CSPOA: Deep State Worried About Faithful Sheriffs

As militia threats rise, far-right Michigan sheriffs say they won’t enforce gun ban at voting sites Phi Beta Iota: The above article is a hit piece.There is nothing “extemist” about believing in the US Constitution. The Deep State and its own local enforcers the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) that is behind Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and …