Ed Jewett: Notes on The Steele Report from a Subscriber

Late Saturday afternoon, I listened to the taped Steele Report 9/3 and will again wholeheartedly suggest that you subscribe. As information sources go, RDS has to be ranked at or near the top: he is well-connected, well-trained, a recognized master in open-source intelligence, and owns and maintains a substantial library online and off.  He acknowledges …

Robert Steele: General Mike Flynn’s Family Message, Exoneration At Hand

General Flynn’s Family Releases Statement Following Release of New Evidence of Massive Corruption by Obama-Biden DOJ Targeting Gen. Flynn ROBERT STEELE: It has been my honor and pleasure to facilitate Sidney Powell’s access to NSA data that broke this case open by showing DoJ and FBI traitors that we have it all.   The President is …

Gordon Duff: The Luciferian-Deep State roots Freemasonry and the Terror Triad of Israel, Saudi Arabia and Erdogania

The Luciferian-Deep State roots Freemasonry and the Terror Triad of Israel, Saudi Arabia and Erdogania The real story is an old one, a secret society, one that crosses all 3 religions of the book, which explains why Christian evangelists, Saudi Wahhabists and Zionist extremists are joined at the hip against democracy across the planet. Why …

Daniel Pinchbeck: Course on Exploring Other Worlds —

To deal with our changing circumstances, we must learn to maintain coherence and clear thinking while we open our minds to other levels of awareness and non-ordinary states of consciousness. These include the intuitive, psychic, mystical, and paranormal. This 5-week course from Daniel Pinchbeck and Sean Esbjörn-Hargens offers a new map of both the macrocosm – the external universe – …

Robert Steele: A Megadraught is Forming — Weather War is a Factor

I accuse NASA, NOAA, and elements of the US Air Force of being in the employ of the Deep State and working to harm the economy of the USA and thus the re-election of President Donald Trump, while they are also harming China’s economy and others. An alternative possibility that I  discount is that Russia …