Yoda: Trump is a Bodhisattva – The Chosen One — The First President Since JFK NOT Controlled by the Deep State and the CIA?

Alert Reader writes in: Trump is a genius. He doesn’t give a hoot about appearances. He is battling centuries of corruption and they want it all and this is a fight to the death. BLM has spent millions on automatic weapons. All the California fires, year after year are engineered. It’s bad. Covid symptoms are …

Review: The Permanent Coup – How Enemies Foreign and Domestic Targeted the American President by Lee Smith

6 Stars: A Superb Prequel to the  Durham Indictments* * Upgraded from 5 to 6 on basis of reader inputs related to the enormity of the crimes that our President has survived, with Mike Flynn’s help. The author is expert on this topic in part because he wrote the New York Times bestseller The Plot …

Parag Khanna: China is a big tree, but it is not the forest — Making peace in Asia

It’s not too late for Asia to avert disaster I recently had the opportunity to speak at length about Sino-Asian dynamics with David Barboza, founding editor of The Wire China. We discussed the dangerous China-centric bias is analysis of Asia, and the importance of understanding how weaker powers practice a shrewd “multi-alignment” (the term I coined …