The Steele Report Questions Being Answered Today

17th Amendment If as you have previously asserted the 17th amendment wasn’t actually fully ratified, wouldn’t a Presidential announcement of same light a fire under those Republican state representatives/senators as they consider the implications for the importance of their legislative body? Maybe they would see a reason to certify Trump electors (which they should have …

Robert Steele: Single Best Thread on What Is Coming — Tip of the Hat to George Pittman

Read the original. This thread is so vital to the Republic that I am taking the very rare step of copying it and placing a reserve copy below the fold. Honor the author by reading the original, but if the original disappears, PBI is one of the strongest liberty websites around with a rolling backup …

Ed Jewett: John Hopkins (Bloomberg) Execution Plan for Minorities and Mentally Challenged – Planned Genocide Guided by Palantir?

Under Guise of ‘Racial Justice,’ Johns Hopkins Lays Out Plan to Vaccinate Ethnic Minorities and Mentally Challenged First Claims made by Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security about its strategy for vaccinating ethnic minorities and the mentally challenged first, “as a matter of justice,” suggest ulterior motives. Palantir-developed software tool known as “Tiberius” to guide …

Mongoose: China’s Penetration of US Academia — Serious But Far Behind UK and Israel — Comment and RDS 1975 Paper on PRC Influence Network

Alert Reader writes in: The CCP program to infiltrate American academia to steal U.S. tax payer funded research results is the Thousand Talents Program. It aims, under the cover of an “intellectual exchange program,” to steal , U.S. taxpayer funded research, and intellectual property from U.S. universities funded by the DOD, NIH, NSF, and other …

Jim Willie: Supreme Court Election 2020 Bottom Line

Friend of the Court: Original Jurisdiction by Jim Willie CB    December 8, 2020 – Republished with Permission SUMMARY Much distraction has come with state level hearings and corrupt panels in the so-called swing states during the US Presidential Election. The Trump Legal team has two layers at work. The first is visible to the public, …