Stephen E. Arnold: Edward Snowden on Criminalization of Journalism

Snowden Speaks on Whistleblowers and the Criminalization of Journalism Edward Snowden, somewhat of an expert on high-profile whistle blowing and its aftermath, recently shared his thoughts on the freedom of the press with journalist Glenn Greenwald. Citing the interview, Newsweek reports, “Edward Snowden Says ‘War on Whistleblowers’ Trend Shows a ‘Criminalization of Journalism.’” The trend …

F. William Engdahl: Will USA-China Be Manipulated Into War As Germany-Russia and UK-Germany Were?

Is this a remake of 1941 Hitler-Stalin great war? On behalf of the Powers That Be, World War II was orchestrated by the circles of the City of London and of Wall Street to manoeuvre two great obstacles — Russia and Germany — to wage a war to the death against each other, in order …

Eagle: We Cannot Understand Deep State Destruction of America Without Acknowledging Assassination of Three Kings

WARNING: In one of your recent youtubes you said you were “cranky.”  Me too. 1) Identity Politics book. I haven’t read it.  Gleaned what I could from it’s Amazon page.  Got serious heartburn and have for quite some time with anyone talking about Identity Politics and NOT discussing the assassinations of the 1960’s.  Specifically what …