Henry Makow: Are Extremist Jews (Zionists) A Threat? Is Exterminating the Goyim the Core of the Cabala?

Exterminating the Goyim is Basis of the Cabala I urge you to read Ted Pike’s Israel: Our Duty…Our Dilemma (1984) to fully understand the danger in which humanity finds itself today. The essential teaching of Judaism’s most holy book, the Cabala, is that non-Jews form an impediment to progress and must be subjugated or exterminated. …

SPECIAL: Robert Steele – Yes, Lindsey Graham is Compromised… But He is Also Born Again. Representative Ilham Omar is Correct — and Both She and Senator Graham Should be Protected.

While I am quite stunned that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, who is owned by the Zionists more ways than anyone can count, has put Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN-05) on the House Foreign Affairs Committee (HRAC) this is a stroke of genius and exactly the right thing to do. This is an opening for …

CENSORED BY GOOGLE NEWS Robert Steele with Mohammad Ghaderi & Javan Heiran-Nia: INTERVIEW – Trump Will Be Re-Elected, Zionists Not Russians Are the Enemy, Kushner Must Go

INTERVIEW: Robert David Steele Trump Will Be Re-Elected, Zionists Not Russians Are the Enemy, Kushner Must Go By Mohammad Ghaderi & Javan Heiran-Nia Tehran Times 14 January 2019 Robert David Steele, a former Marine Corps infantry officer and CIA spy who was recommended for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2017,[1] answered questions about Trump’s national …

Robert Steele: The Future Can Be Shaped with Evidence-Based Dialog

The Future Can Be Shaped with Evidence-Based Dialog Russian International Affairs Council I always enjoy visiting the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC), and most recently read “Entering 2019: Challenges and Opportunities,” by President Igor Ivanov of RIAC, himself also former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (1998–2004). I agree with everything he writes, …

Evan Ellis: China in Latin America — the Ecuador Case with Sidebars on Venezuela and Bolivia

While this article was written prior to President Moreno’s December 2018 trip to the PRC (securing a new $900 million loan), you may find this article a useful sector-by-sector analysis of the relationship, with a comparison to China’s relationship with Venezuela and Bolivia, as well as discussion of President Moreno’s attempt to secure more equitable …