The Steele Report: Questions Being Answered Today

Ammunition During Obama’s administration, every FEDERAL AGENCY from the Post Office to Forestry was purchasing MILLIONS of rounds of ammunition. During the following administration, President Trump said repeatedly that the MILITARY had NO AMMUNITION. Were those two things related to the same Deep State goal, i.e., why would so many federal agencies need so much …

Brent Hamachek: Understanding and Embracing the Role of the 21st-Century American Dissident

Understanding and Embracing the Role of the 21st-Century American Dissident For those of us who still believe in and embrace the ideas of our founding, for those who believe that the individual and their liberty are of paramount importance and prime value, for those of us who believe that free market capitalism is the most …

The Steele Report Questions Being Answered Today

10 Days I thought I heard somewhere that 10 days after Superbowl something epic will happen. Any idea of what this may have been and is there still time left to unfold? Antarctica What do you know about Antarctica and why is it off limits to everyone except the elites?

Robert Steele: Fake Pandemic, Toxic/Placebo Vaccines, Crimes Against Humanity — Let Us Await Nuremberg 2.0

I have been avoiding the COVID-19 nonsense every since YouTube decided to censor truth on that point, and then truth on election fraud as well. Now I am making four movies and I chose NOT to do one on COVID-19.  I did the first major holistic article on the fake pandemic, medical Nazism, Zionist culpability, …