Journal: ClimateGate Week One

Climate Change: What Is The Truth? Dearth of valid information about climate change has clouded our minds Copenhagen climate summit: ocean acidification an ‘underwater time-bomb’ Ocean acidification is an “underwater time-bomb” that threatens fish stocks, marine life and coastal communities around the world, a Natural England report has warned. Al Gore and the Wizards of …

Worth a Look: Field To Market–The Keystone Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture

Field To Market is a diverse alliance working to create opportunities across the agricultural supply chain for continuous improvements in productivity, environmental quality, and human well-being. The group provides collaborative leadership that is engaged in industry-wide dialogue, grounded in science, and open to the full range of technology choices. The Fieldprint Calculator is an educational …

Journal: Wall Street & the Obama Administration

Chuck Spinney sends…. Obama’s Big Sellout The president has packed his economic team with Wall Street insiders intent on turning the bailout into an all-out giveaway MATT TAIBBI Rolling Stone Dec 09, 2009 Phi Beta Iota: We include the entire article below to share Chuck Spinney’s value-added highlights.  See the original article without highlights by …

Reference: General McCaffrey’s Trip Report on AF

After Action Report–General Barry McCaffrey, USA (Ret) Visit to Kuwait and Afghanistan 10-18 Nov 09 11 pages Extracted points 01 Phenomenally useful report with too much cheerleading.  This is a 10-year regional war, State Department and AID are pulling out for next several years (too dangerous), costing us roughly half per day what we paid …