Faded Rose: Hillary Clinton Approved Sarin for Rebels to Frame Asad — She Works for the Saudis — Trump Gets More Ammunition…

Top Journalist Says Hillary Approved Sending Sarin to Rebels Used to Frame Assad, Start Syrian War World renowned journalist Seymour Hersh has revealed, in a series of interviews and books, that the Obama Administration falsely blamed the government of Syria’s Bashar al-Assad for the sarin gas attack that Obama was trying to use as an excuse …

Andrew Garfield: An Open Letter to Donald Trump — You Are Not a Party You Are a Phenomenon

ROBERT STEELE: Andrew Garfield is one of the two top pollsters in America. The other is Paul Ray. Andrew is the pollster who destroyed the Obama-Kerry attempt to fraudulently turn Afghanistan over to a 100% Tajik.  Andrew’s polls, funded privately, rescued the Ashraf Ghani presidential campaign. An Open Letter to Donald Trump You are not …

Amazon Kindle: REVOLUTION!: How Donald Trump Can Win and Govern by Championing Electoral Reform, a Coalition Cabinet, a Balanced Budget, and a Constitutional Convention in 2018 (Trump Revolution Book 01)

We are all crazy, all black, and all angry. 2016 is the culminating year in which the two-party tyranny reaps as it has sown — Donald Trump on the right — winning by the rules — and Bernie Sanders on the left — losing by the rules — represent the 99% who have been disenfranchised …

Owl: Explaining Trump — John Robb Plus UPDATE Evaluating Trump More Links

Donald Trump, Open Source Insurgent and Ball Buster of Oligarch Politicians So much has been written about Trump’s primary election campaign, the “Trump Phenomenon.” I have read in the last few months hundreds of articles trying to explain it, but so far nothing rivals the three articles listed below for deep insight and explanatory power. …