SPECIAL: Robert Steele: Zionist Strike 43 – Ben Garrison Disinvited from the White House

Zionist Strike 43: Controlling White House, Disinviting Ben Garrison The Zionists (the genocidal apartheid criminal invented state of Israel and its unregistered agents in the USA including AIPAC and ADL — not to be confused with Jews who uphold the Constitution) are clearly in control of the White House. We need a national “teach-in” on …

J. C. Cole: American Gray Swans – Week to 9 Jul 2019

American Gray Swans – Week 27 – Shake, Rattle, and Roll! I guess by now everybody has heard about the 2 large earthquakes (6.4 and 7.1) that happened this week in southern California. What is it about our species that ignores very real and tangible threats thinking they won’t happen?