Owl: Bill Gates Eugenics Eradicates Children Not Polio

Bill Gates Eugenics Campaign Turns Its Attention to Children It will be quite a feat of explanation for historians in the future to explain how the world’s richest man could get away with funding a widespread eugenics campaign killing both adults and children. This account of Gates supporting polio vaccine will surely be examined to …

Owl: “Assassination Market” Website: Are the “Bad Guys” Actually the “Good Guys,” and Vice-Versa?

“Assassination Market” Website: Are the “Bad Guys” Actually the “Good Guys,” and Vice-Versa? Some have said Bitcoin is at the center of a revolution in the world economy. The jury is still out on such claims, but using Bitcoin to enable killing unpopular public figures and politicians seems, at the very least, to be sending …

Owl: Microsoft & Facebook Support Screwing of Workers Across America Through Koch Brothers State Policy Network

These Ogre Companies are Anti-Their-Customers “Some of America’s largest technology and telecoms companies, including Facebook, Microsoft and AT&T, are backing a network of self-styled “free-market thinktanks” promoting a radical rightwing agenda in states across the nation, according to a new report by a lobbying watchdog. The Center for Media and Democracy asserts that the State …

Owl: Madsen on Low-Tech No-Cost Avoidance of NSA Surveillance in Africa

Madsen: Low-Tech and Cheap Solutions to Getting Around NSA Surveiling in Africa Madsen omits mention of it in this otherwise well-informed article, which provides a comprehensive summary/history of US signals intel activities in Africa, but at least in the past, Africans also communicated over long distances using coded drum beats. He is quite correct in …

Owl: Monbiot: Corporate New World Order Dictatorship Close to Implementation, Democracy and Law for Ordinary People Nearly Dead

Monbiot: Corporate New World Order Dictatorship Close to Implementation, Democracy and Law for Ordinary People Nearly Dead It’s coming together piece by major piece for the Elite’s plans of absolute and total world domination: imposition of GMO food and many toxic substance for human consumption, covert eugenics via not only food and water, but constant …

Owl: High-Level Pedophiles Protected by the Police States

This article focuses on high-level pederasts in the UK. But if judges, politicians, Cabinet ministers, corporate executives and other “respectable” people are frequently found to be child molesters, surely their counterparts in other first world countries, such as the US, Germany, France, etc., must have similar numbers representative of high-level pedos? So much rot at …