Owl: More Evil from Google

More Evil from Google “Portland Tugboat has posted a photo of another Google mystery barge on their Facebook page. On October 27, CNET reported that a similar barge was docked in the San Francisco Bay. “Is it a floating Google data center? A floating Google Glass store? Or something else altogether?” asked Daniel Terdiman, writing …

Rickard Falkvinge: Acknowledging The Important Value Of Hate Speech

Acknowledging The Important Value Of Hate Speech Freedom of Speech:  Banning so-called “hate speech” is a grave, irresponsible, and serious mistake for at least three reasons. Such restrictions of free speech, while looking like an easy way out from an inconvenient situation, are horribly counterproductive even from a pragmatic standpoint. Besides, there is no such …

Event: 25 OCT 13 Austria Online Knowledge is Power, Open Knowledge is Empowerment — Wikipedia, Wikileaks, and Open Source Intelligence

„Knowledge is power“ is the credo of enlightened modernism. However, Michel Foucault proclaims that whoever is in power determines which knowledge prevails in society, and ultimately this is the only knowledge that we have access to. It is certain that knowledge and power are closely interrelated, and that power relations in a society heavily depend …