Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Nancy Bordier

Nancy Bordier is the inventor of the Interactive Voter Choice System. She is a political scientist, web entrepreneur, former electoral candidate, high-tech marketing executive and university professor. Her experience in electoral politics includes a 1985 campaign on the Democratic ticket for the office of mayor of White Plains, New York. A middle class city with …

Reference: Debt, Deficits, & Defense–Sub-Text Bloomberg and Nunn Round Two, 52 Q&A

A new report from the Sustainable Defense Task Force, formed by House Financial Services Committee Chair Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) identifies reductions in Pentagon spending while maintaining strong defense capabilities as the best response to the nation’s mounting fiscal restraints. These options cover the full range of Pentagon expenditures including procurement, R&D, personnel, operations and …

Journal: MILNET Selected Headlines 28 Jan 10

Capabilities Of U.S. Intelligence Agencies Questioned Congressional critics have singled out the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC), established as part of a sweeping intelligence overhaul after the September 11 attacks. “I do not (have), nor do I believe the DNI as currently constructed has, all of …