Journal: Guantanamo “Suicides”–Shamed Again

Murder and Cover-Up The Guantánamo Suicides By STEPHEN SOLDZ My friends who served in the military speak of the pride with they performed what  they viewed as their duty. This duty included the obligation to act with honor, including, above all, following the Geneva Conventions when handling detainees and prisoners of war. My friends tell …

Journal: Christ in the Sights, Glaciers Not Melting, Natural Gas Galore–Another Day in America

U.S. Military Weapons Inscribed With Secret ‘Jesus’ Bible Codes Pentagon Supplier for Rifle Sights Says It Has ‘Always’ Added New Testament References By JOSEPH RHEE, TAHMAN BRADLEY and BRIAN ROSS Jan. 18, 2010 – – – – – – – Note: the below report, which appears to be well sourced, does not rebut the Global …

Review: The Empathetic Civilization–the Race to Global Consciousness in a World of Crisis

HUGE Book, Deep Look From One Perspective January 14, 2010 Jeremy Rifkin This is a society-changing piece of work. This is a magnum opus from a very specific point of view that overlooks both major consciousness figures and major biosphere figures. Herman Daly gets one note, Tom Atlee, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Steve McIntosh are not …

Journal: Haiti Op-Eds

Guantanamo To The Rescue The base has two airfields, a state-of-the-art communication system and brand-new water and sewage lines that could accommodate as many as 45,000 refugees. And the base is large enough to stage an aid effort without impinging on prison operations. Put The Pentagon In Charge The other truth is that the only …

Journal: Information Operations (IO) Headlines

Obama staffer Cass Sunstein wants ‘cognitive infiltration’ of 9/11 conspiracy groups In a 2008 academic paper, President Barack Obama’s appointee to head the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs advocated “cognitive infiltration” of groups that advocate “conspiracy theories” like the ones surrounding 9/11. Phi Beta Iota: Sunstein is a serious person, #2 after Lawrence Lessig …