Jon Rappoport: NSA Spied (Spies) on Barack Obama, Congress, Judges…No Limits, With Total Impunity

Mainstream news is Humpty Dumpty, and he’s not coming back EXTRACT: For example, consider Russ Tice, long-time intelligence-agency veteran, who led the way in bringing to light the deeper operations of the Surveillance State. Now censored by mainstream news, Tice told Boiling Frog’s Sibel Edmonds and Peter Collins, on June 19, 2013: RUSS TICE: “Okay. They …

WAR: Massive Build Up at Diego Garcia Aimed at Russia & Syria? – Not Declared by Congress — the Last Gasp of a Mad Criminal Presidency? The Clinton Foundation’s Final “Pay to Play” Deliverable to Saudi Arabia and Israel?

Tip of the Hat to Antechinus Part I: US gearing up for false flag attack blamed on Russia that enables a massive attack on Syria that can pivot against Russia. This is outright criminal insanity.  “Something Big Is Underway On All Fronts“ Part II: An eye witness report on the massive build up of bombers, …

Del Spurlock: Lies of State – Spinning the Inhumanity of Our National Policies

Spinning the Inhumanity of our National Policies Reproduced with permission from original as posted. We are failing to govern ourselves. The concept of American democracy has been driven from the field by the public relations industry. The balancing act between the poles of public and private interests, performed so deftly by Chester Bowles, William Benton …

Owl: Hillary Clinton’s 33,000 Emails Being Released 1 November — Proves Treason by Hillary Clinton, Complicity by Obama, Lynch, & Comey UPDATE 1

Clinton Campaign About to Be Splattered Into a Million Pieces by Release of 33,000 Illicitly Destroyed Emails Showing Influence Peddling Quid Pro Quos and Other High Crimes as Well as Racism, Committing Felonies on Camera Anonymous sources on 4chan are saying that Wikileaks has Hillary’s 33,000 deleted emails, and what’s in them will mean the …

Amazon Kindle: DEPLORABLES RISING! Trump Can Win with a Debt Jubilee and Electoral Reform (Trump Revolution Book 03)

Billy Bush provided the decade-old illicit audio of Donald Trump to the Bush Crime Family, and they provided it to the Clinton Crime Family. There will be more such revelations as the cabal makes its final push to destroy the one serious challenger to the reptilian cabal led by the Rothschilds and controlling both the …

Stephen E. Arnold: Marketing Assertions — Legal Lies?

Lousy Backlog? Sell with Interesting Assertions. If you are struggling to fill the sales pipeline, you will feel some pressure. If you really need to make sales, marketing collateral may be an easy weapon to seize. I read “Examples of False Claims about Self-Service Analytics.” The write up singles out interesting sales assertions and offers …

Did Clinton Have a Stroke? Will Biden Replace Her? Game Plan for Biden Winning by Championing Reform & Engaging Main Street

UPDATE: Former DNC chairman calls for Clinton contingency plan (Politico) UPDATE: Will Hillary Clinton Drop Out? How Joe Biden Could Become The Next Democratic President (International Business Times) Phi Beta Iota: The media could not be more worthless. Clinton is not suffering from pneumonia, all video and historical evidence points to a severe stroke, rapid …