Review: 2045 Global Projects At War – Tectonic Processes of Global Transformation

Daniel Estulin cemented his position in my own view as one of the top twelve non-fiction authors in the geo-cultural-economic-political arena with his book TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE – Social Engineering the Masses, my rave review is at the link. I found this book so impressive I included it among my top 25 cosmic mind-altering books in …

Robert Steele: Media Hit Job Campaign Against Q Anon & Truthers on Satanic Pedophilia

As received from Amy Mackinnon, youthful reporter at Foreign Policy: Dear Mr. Steele, I hope this finds you well. I’m a national security reporter with Foreign Policy magazine. I’m hoping to talk to you about your work with the International Tribunal of Natural Justice, your sponsorship of the book Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy, & The …