J. C. Cole: List of Events Suggesting On-Going Sabotage of Petroleum and Other Economic Choke Points

1 gal of diesel working the field in a tractor replaces 500 man hours manual labor in the field. Agriculture is screwed without diesel. In 2015 I was told by a friend since passed: Prepare for war, my friend. The big one is coming. Evil vs. really the rest of the world…chaotic messes are coming. …

State of the Nation: Act of War Against Texas? Many Believe So — Weather Warfare, Geoengineering, UK Israel Deep State False Flag Geoterrorism? UPDATE 4

TEXAGEDDON: A False Flag Geoterrorist Operation With Multiple Nefarious NWO Goals OPERATION DEEP FREEZE Purposefully Carried Out by NWO Cabal to Paralyze Texas Patriot Movement and Shut Down Power Grid RELATED (NEWEST ON TOP): Video (11:48) Crimes Against Humanity – Texas: Chemically Nucleated Winter Weather Mongoose: Chinese Control of US Power Grid, Trump Ended, Biden …

Ed Jewett: Cass Sunstein as Catholic Inquisition 2.0? Robert Steele: Is Cass Sunstein the Most Fucked Up Piece of Shit Serving the Deep State?

“Harvard’s Sunstein Joins Biden’s DHS to Shape Immigration Rules” [Bloomberg]. “Former Obama administration official Cass Sunstein on Monday joined the Department of Homeland Security, where President Joe Biden is moving rapidly to roll back Donald Trump’s immigration policy priorities. Sunstein is a senior counselor who will be responsible for making sure that the rules put …

Joachim Hagopian: John Roberts and Mike Pence – Deep State Enemies Inside the Gate

This is chapter 44 in the  digital online series on Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy, and the Deep State, free online at https://pedoempire.org. and also in Kindles form (chapters) and print form (4 of 5 books published to date. The author is a graduate of West Point and a former US Army officer who earned …