Review: The New American Revolution – The Making of a Populist Movement by Kayleigh McEnany

5 stars — Buy the book for election night alone The first half of the book I could do without, but the second half is utterly special and highly relevant to the next election.  Published in 2018, the book combines a first half of vignettes with grainy black and white photos that cover the impact …

#UNRIG: Election Reform Act of 2020: A Citizen’s Guide to Achieving Democracy with Integrity (Trump Revolution Book 54)

#1 New Release in Urban, State & Local Government Law 70% of all eligible voters are disenfranchised — shut off from the possibility of being elected to any federal or state office, or having their vote count. The two-party tyranny — one bird, two wings, same crap — is a front for the Deep State. …

Gary North: Was the American Revolution a Mistake or Based on Lies? Robert Steele: Or A Freemason Coup?

Was the American Revolution a Mistake? The Colonists had a sweet deal in 1775. Great Britain was the second-freest nation on Earth. Switzerland was probably the most free nation, but I would be hard-pressed to identify any other nation in 1775 that was ahead of Great Britain. And in Great Britain’s Empire, the Colonists were …

Caitlin Johnston: Real Revolution Means Expanding Consciousness, Both Outwardly and Inwardly

Real Revolution Means Expanding Consciousness, Both Outwardly And Inwardly The fight to liberate humanity from oppression, exploitation, butchery and madness is really a fight to expand consciousness. The existential threats our species now faces are ultimately due to the fact that powerful people advance omnicidal, ecocidal, oppressive, violent and exploitative agendas behind veils of secrecy …

Amazon Kindle: TRUMP TRIUMPH: Three Big Moves, Three Smaller Moves: Blacks, Wall Street, #UNRIG – Web 3.0, Free Energy, Full Disclosure (Trump Revolution Book 53)

There are six moves the President can and should make before Election Day – he has already taken steps to avert the planned EMP attack for 19 October (10-19 or 119 without the zero). 01 BY 19 JUNE 2020: Reconcile with and embrace authentic black leaders, signing an Executive Order on 19 June 2020 and …