TCP/IP Alternative Solution Scenarios

From Scott at SolarNetOne via GoogleGroup on DistributedDecentralizedInternet TCP/IP over quantum entanglement TCP/IP over frequency ranges not yet used … TCP/IP over Tesla’s scalar impulses Phi Beta Iota: DuckDuckGo stacks added. See Also: Free Space Optics Contextual Comment Below the Line

Event: 12-13 April, MIT campus, Forum on Future Cities

Forum on Future Cities hosted by the MIT SENSEable City Lab and the Rockefeller Foundation 12-13th April 2011 | MIT Campus, Cambridge, Massachusetts. The Forum on Future Cities will bring together leading thinkers in academia, industry and government from around the world to discuss the most pressing issues of urbanization, and explore how they are …

Solar-Powered Internet Hot Spots–Anywhere

SolarNetOne: Solar-powered networking for anyone Linux and open technologies deliver the Internet anywhere Summary: In many parts of the world, the power grid is shoddy, computers are scarce, and connectivity is even rarer. Thus, as with many other modern practices and technologies, populations are increasingly bifurcated into the “computing haves” and the “computing have-nots.” But …

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Aaron Huslage

Aaron Huslage has been hacking on Internet technologies since 1987. Aaron has been a thought leader in the Internet industry since 1993. His greatest talent lies in communicating highly technical information to those who aren’t highly technical. He constantly researches new and emerging technologies and the latest system management techniques with an emphasis on very …

Review: How to Run the World–Charting a Course to the Next Renaissance

Parag Khanna Extraordinary Personal Effort, Constrained by Publisher February 21, 2011 I received a copy of this book at my request from the author himself (I am unemployed, and globally available). I gave the author’s first book, The Second World: How Emerging Powers Are Redefining Global Competition in the Twenty-first Century, a five star leaning …