President Hugs Flag, Wins Big UPDATE 1: Re-Election Assured?

CPAC provided the stage, President provided the heart. Zero Hedge Extracts (Mostly Tweets) From This Great Event. UPDATE 1: Re-Election Assured? Trump Just Might Have Won the 2020 Election Today The president’s speech at CPAC was a bedazzling mix of bravado, B.S., humor, and positive vision no Democrat will be able to top.

Gordon Duff: The End of Trump? Robert Steele: Why Not the End of Bushes & Clintons? + RECAP UPDATE 1: NYPD Repudiation of Duff Article

Blockbuster: The Secret Cohen Investigation, Why the Public Only Got “the Sideshow” It’s not about Cohen. It’s not even really about Trump. It’s about bringing the whole gang down from A to Z, including all those that helped and protected them. The US security orgs will have some soul searching to do. Semion Mogilevich  –  …

Yoda: Wrong, Trump Is, on 5G — Sample “Presidential Brief” Plus 5G RECAP (It Will Kill You and Be Used to Ration Energy By Name)

“Mr. President, I’m going to tell you everything you need to know about 5G in about two minutes.” Starting just after 29 minutes into this video that first promotes drones, watch President Trump receive a 2-minute “techno-snow job” in June of 2017, on the urgent need to put in 5G in cities and communities all …

Paul Craig Roberts: The Delegitimization (Repression) of the White Male

The Delegitimization Of The White Male We know that the white male has been delegitimized. Women’s studies, black studies, Latino studies, and Identity Politics have been demonizing, and teaching hatered of, white males since the 1980s. But where did these hate-filled special interest groups get their power? The answer is that effete white males handed …