Berto Jongman: Interesting Global Security Links

British Special Forces in Syria CI Glossary (PDF at Cryptome) Collapsing US Credibility Convergence of Organized Crime and Terrorism Dark Money in USA – Mother Jones Drone Civilian Death Claims Mount Drone Death Figures Do Not Add Up Drone Policy Transparency Global financial cybercrime sting yields 24 arrests Drug Violence Interactive Map EU Plan for …

Penguin: Bruce Schneier on US Destabilizing Cyber-Space

Stuxnet cyberattack by US a ‘destabilizing and dangerous’ course of action, security expert Bruce Schneier says Schneier calls Stuxnet ‘mistake’ for US, argues world needs to tackle cyber-arms control By Ellen Messmer Network World, June 18, 2012 Revelations by The New York Times that President Barack Obama in his role as commander in chief ordered …

Berto Jongman: Interesting Global Security Links

24 June Uranus Square Pluto CBME Newsletter Drone Warfare (Book Review) Entanglement – Movie Trailer Extreme Right Wing Movements Fighting a Pandemic Flame Developed by Israel and USA GAO on Aviation Security Global Security Landscape Invisible Wars Movie Trailer Iran Detects Massive Cyber-Attack Israel – More Bunker Buster Bombs Jihaddist Twittering Jihaddist Twitter Use Meltdown …

Berto Jongman: Interesting Global Security Links

Anonymous Internet / UnderNet Beyond Investigators Cost of Cybercrime (PDF) Cybercrime and Terror Cyber Dissidents Handbook Declassifying CT Ops in Yemen and Somalia – No Mention of Drones Has the Drug Industry’s Grip On Health Care Become a Pharmageddon Mexican Cartels – How They Make Their Billions Obama Report on Global Deathcraft Sun’s Eruption on …

Berto Jongman: Interesting Global Security Links

Africa US Secret Operations Across Boko Haram Report Brian Jenkins on Getting (the Terrorist) Threat Right BOOK:  Liars and Outliers – Enabling the Trust that Society Needs to Thrive BOOK: Terrorism Lectures by Dr. James Forest British Communications Law Call for International Treaty on Cyberwarfare Contractors Doing Spy Missions CRS via FAS on Mexican Cartels …

Marcus Aurelius: NSA Blocks

US Cyber Command (read:  NSA)  has, “for operational reasons,” blocked access to from DoD computers.  You get a pretty WEBSITE BLOCKED notice. Block “category” is:  “USCC_WIKILEAKS_BLOCK” Also contains following blurb:  “This is a DoD enterprise-level protection system intended to reduce risk to DoD users and protect DoD systems from intrusion.  It will block access …