Wayne Jett: Transcript of Dr. Steve Pieczenik on Watermarks and Massive Election Fraud Discovery

As provided by Wayne Jett. DR STEVE PIECZENIK STATEMENT 11 5 20 This is really a sting operation. Contrary to what everybody else said, Trump knew this was happening, Eric knew this was happening and warned the public. I knew this was happening. However, I did not say anything about it. What happened was we …

The Steele Report: Questions Being Answered Today in Video Webinar – Plus Election 2020 Interactive

1. I’m a Danish citizen living in Gothenburg Sweden. I’ve heard some saying that Sweden, Denmark and France are “experiment” countries in the current situation. What is your take on that? 2. Are the Scandinavian governments also part of The president’s great plan? 3. Why isn’t there a mandatory 1 to 3 years, no parole, …

Robert Steele: Trump Won, Fraud Obvious & Provable, God Bless America

I have focused my Monday report for subscribers solely on the election. I discussed the election during the Saturday video call. Trump won big. Sidney Powell has the evidence and is not to be triffled with. Fox has lost all credibility with its idiot declaration that Biden has been elected. No, he has NOT. Enjoy …