Richard Wright: Integrity? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Integrity!

Integrity? We don’t need no stinkin’integrity! Precision Munitions Lessen Need for Close Air Support Plane: Schwartz Answers the A-10 Question PENTAGON: One of the longest-running debates between the Air Force and the Army centers on close air support. Historically, the Air Force hates supplying CAS and doesn’t like buying or maintaining the planes that do …

Bin Laden Show: Entries 00-99 UPDATED 2 April 2016

Bin Laden Show….world’s most expensive PSYOP that keeps on giving. SHORT URL: 2016-04-02 BBC Censored Benazir Bhutto’s Report that Bin Laden Had Been Murdered 2016-03-01 Osama bin Laden’s will, personal letters made public Bin Laden died in 2001; several fakes followed. The last Bin Laden was a patsy provided by the government of Pakistan …

John Steiner: Occupy Hearts – Compassion New Currency

Compassion Is Our New Currency : Notes on 2011’s Preoccupied Hearts and Minds Rebecca Solnit, December 22, 2011. Usually at year’s end, we’re supposed to look back at events just passed — and forward, in prediction mode, to the year to come. But just look around you! This moment is so extraordinary that it …

Chuck Spinny: Obama Zero Understanding, All Shicksa

Why the President Obama Should Study Sun Tzu While Obama worries about appeasing Israel and Jewish vote at home, as well as being pressured to support threats of an Israeli attack on Iran, the government of Israel beavers away as usual, creating new facts on the ground. Here (portions of which are quoted below) is an editorial in Ha’aretz, …

Howard Rheingold: Understanding Search Algorithms

Digital Literacy: Search Algorithms are Mechanical Turks John Jones DMLcentral, December 8, 2011 One of the most pervasive features of computing culture are algorithms, the sets of processes or instructions contained in computer code that determine how a particular task will be completed. While algorithms power everything from your automatic coffee maker to your smart …