Robert Steele: New Document Fries the FBI Generally, Peter Strzok Specifically — Time to Abolish or Split FBI Into Two?

New FBI document confirms the Trump campaign was investigated without justification Hats off to Kevin Brock, former Assistant Director of Intelligence for the FBI, and clearly an honest man representative of the 90% of those working for the FBI, good people trapped in a bad system.  Here are his two best quotes from the above …

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Critical Questions for Dr. Shiva – Dr. Shiva Vomits a 90 Minute Response, Robert Steele Comments

SHORT URL: Critical Questions for Dr. Shiva About His Attempts to Splinter the Health Freedom Movement For many months I have remained silent in the face of defamatory and dishonest attacks against me by Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai. My approach was to ignore the sniping to preserve the unity of the Health Freedom Movement. However, …

Should Covington & Burling Get a Porcupine Enema and Anthony, Chertoff, Holder, Kelner, and Smith Lose Their Law Licenses For Betraying General Michael Flynn?

SHORT URL: Tuesday Surprise Rocks Flynn Case: Former Lawyers Failed To Produce Another Pile Of Evidence Covington & Burling LLP told the court its search team failed to search all of the law firm’s records and missed the documents, mostly emails. The documents were produced to Powell on Tuesday.

BREAKING: Indictments Coming — List

PBI we have no direct knowledge but this feels right, along with the forthcoming exoneration (no pardon needed) of American Hero General Mike Flynn.  May Justice Be Done! The VIDEO in a LockBox Who is named in this order

Robert Steele: John Brennan to Be Indicted? General Michael Flynn Exonerated?

I was among the first, if not the first, to call John Brennan a liar and document the complete fabrication of the Russian witchhunt. Robert Steele: US IC Allegations Against Russians Are Crap — Our Own Traitors, Not the Russians, Are the Real Enemy, Fake Evidence & Fake News – UPDATE 22 John Brennan, in …

Robert Steele: DoJ Begins Process of Exonerating Mike Flynn?

I have been an unabashed fan of General Michael Flynn, USA (Ret) ever since I studied his harsh truths as published in Fixing Intel, and then wrote the article, hand-delivered to Chuck Hagel’s house and intended to stop Mike Flynn from being fired by the Deep State puppet known as Barack Obama, On Defense Intelligence, …