Chuck Baldwin: Huxley’s Brave New World Arrived in 2020

Huxley’s Brave New World Arrived in 2020 The more we learn about the corona narrative, the more bizarre and unbelievable it becomes. In several past columns, I documented how the medical, media and political establishments have been deliberately lying, fudging numbers, exaggerating and manipulating data and covering up the truth about this virus from day number …

Hal Turner: COVID-19 Vaccine Works As Intended — Kills Soul

“They’ve Killed God; I Can’t Feel God; My Soul Is Dead” AstraZeneca Halts COVID-19 Vaccine Trials after Second Volunteer “Develops Neurological problems” Polls are finding Americans increasingly wary of accepting a coronavirus vaccine. And scientists inside and outside the government are worried that regulators, pressured by the president for results before Election Day on Nov. …

Review: The System – Who Rigged It, How We Fix It by Robert B. Reich

3 Stars — Corrupt, Deceptive, Mediocre This is a very corrupt and deceptive book, a mediocre book, that suggests that greedy Wall Street bankers are  to blame for everything including the corruption (no mention of blackmail) of politicians who serve the 1% and screw the 99% with impunity. The author will make quite a bit …

Stephen E. Arnold: Is Palantir In Big Trouble?

Palantir Technologies: A Problem for Intelware Competitors? The Palantir Technologies initial public offering is looming. Pundits are excited; for example, “Palantir Has A Long Uphill Battle Towards Customer Acquisition, But Benefits From Stickiness And Contract Expansion” makes clear that the journey to profitability may be like the Beatles observed: A long and winding road. Others …

Yoda: Cosmic Wars and Multiple Timelines — 64 Timelines, in 14 of Them Cabal WINS

Alert Reader writes in: I knows there is a lot happening in the news right now (RBG passing, etc.), but I feel the need to pass on a few things I am learning from the Cosmic Agency series. In addition to watching the oldest videos first, I am also watching the new ones being uploaded. …