Kerry Cassidy: Directed Energy Weapons and Frequency Travel

COVID CAUSED BY TESLA TECH: DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS? My theory is what causes Covid19 is frequency.  This is all about Tesla tech (the negative harmful end of the spectrum/ Tesla preferred the positive side**) targeting population centers. The idea of a virus and/or bioweapon is a misdirect but comes into play when they want you …

Chuck Baldwin: CDC Vindicates Dr. Bukacek, Indicts Itself

CDC Vindicates Dr. Bukacek, Indicts Itself It turns out, Dr. Bukacek was right all along, and her understanding of science and medicine has been vindicated in the latest report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. According to the CDC, only 6% of deaths originally reported as caused by Coronavirus were deaths exclusively caused …

DefDog: Vaccines as Vehicles for Killer Nano-Bots Proven

FDA to Review Fast-tracked COVID Vaccine by October as New Study Proves Microscopic Robots Invisible to Naked Eye Now Can Now be Injected into Blood Stream There are already verified dangerous ingredients in currently used vaccines, such as human DNA from aborted fetal tissue used to reportedly culture viruses. Current speculation as to what these …