Matt Ehret: British Roots of the Deep State

New Revelations Shed Light on the British Roots of the Deep State On February 4, 2021 an incredible array of original documents were published online anonymously featuring the largest array of evidence that British Intelligence, GCHQ and MI6 operating through a multitude of front organizations like Bellingcat and the Integrity Initiative have been working non-stop …

Daniel Gullota: I Am A Stupid Fuck On the Topic of Q Anon . . .

 QAnon and the Satanic Panics of Yesteryear What they can teach us about what to expect. Many details concerning the beliefs of QAnon are bizarre and difficult to piece together. Ambitious works of journalism, decent explainer articles, and even a vast and messy Wikipedia page can’t quite do justice to its tangled, knotted, shifting conspiracy …

Matt Ehret: How Huxley’s X-Club Created Nature Magazine and Sabotaged Science for 150 Years

How Huxley’s X-Club Created Nature Magazine and Sabotaged Science for 150 Years What is Nature Magazine exactly? Is it truly an “objective” platform for pure scientific research untainted by the filth of political agendas? Is this standard-bearer of “proper method”, which can make or break the career of any scientist, truly the scientific journal it …