Growing Demands for Participatory Democracy

Constructing, living, and demanding Participatory Democracy in the #spanishrevolution Camps Michel Bauwens, 23rd May 2011 We, the unemployed, the underpaid, the subcontracted, the precarious, the young … demand a change towards a future with dignity. We are fed up of reforms, of being laid off, of the banks which have caused the crisis hardening our …

Internet Design Principles Call for Papers

Future Internet Reference Architecture Group: Towards architectural design principles and a reference architecture for the Future Internet Call for Position Papers on Internet Design Principles. Deadline for papers: 29/04/2011 workshop: 23/05/2011 The main objective of this activity is to define a common set of architectural design principles and a reference architecture of the Future Internet …

Worth a Look: OpenBeacon

OpenBeacon Press News Background information on OpenBeacon social networking features as used in our sister project Dynamics of Person-to-Person Interactions from Distributed RFID Sensor Networks Live Social Semantics Phi Beta Iota: This is the secret sauce for connecting the digital “virtual” revolutionary circles, and the same circles on the street face to face.  It …

Google Moves Voice into Cloud, Offs the Telecomms

Google Voice discovered allowing pure VoIP calls Google Voice users learned late Monday that the service now has a way of making purely Internet-based phone calls. Making a SIP call with a “sip:” prefix, the Google Voice phone number and skips the conventional phone network entirely, saving users cellphone minutes. Disruptive Telephony tested it …