Journal: MILNET Flags Sorting It Out: New Tools Wrestle Mountains of Data Into Usable Intelligence

August 24, 2009 Pg. 11 By Kris Osborn In 2008, U.S. military forces collected 400,000 hours of airborne surveillance video, up from several thousand hours 10 years ago. So the Pentagon is turning to computers to help save, sort and search it all. “The proliferation of unmanned systems across the battlefield is not going to …

AFRICOM Week in Review Ending 24 August 2009

Hot Topics AA: AFRICOM: Western Self-Serving Interests or African Security? 08/21/09 AA: Islamists, US policy and Arab democracy 08/21/09 AA: Trans-Sahara gas pipeline will be risky 08/21/09 CD: DRC: There is indescribable fear in everyones eyes 08/21/09 DZ: China warns its citizens in Algeria 08/19/09 ER: UN report on Eritrea’s aid to insurgents in Somalia …

AFRICOM Week in Review Ending 10 August 2009

Hot Topics BI: Burundi to curb prices of petroleum products 08/06/09 CF: Independent Candidacy: Waiting on National Assembly 08/07/09 EH: Defection ; a Setback to Western Sahara Separatists Hardliners 08/07/09 ER: Eritrea Denies Arming Somali Militants 08/07/09 NG: Nigeria: Violence in north is not what it seems 08/08/09 SD: United Nations Force Commanders in Darfur Address …

SOUTHCOM Week in Review Ending 4 August 2009

Hot Topics AA: Chile, Panama with the highest rate of imprisoned population 07/30/09 BR: Growth With Equity: Brazils Path to Economic Recovery 08/03/09 CL: Chile requests additional time to clear mines along Bolivian border 07/29/09 CO: Chiquita CEOs sponsored terrorism in Colombia, now identified 08/01/09 CR: Michael O McCarthy interviews Costa Rican Presidential Candidate … 07/30/09 CU: Cuba Strengthens its Institutionalism 08/03/09 CU: Raul Castro: Cuba wont undo …