Search: Multinational Engagement (Intelligence)

The Oxymoronic Concept of ‘NATO Intelligence’ In 2008, a FOIA request resulted in the release of a (redacted) version of a 1984 CIA article: NATO Intelligence: A Contradiction in Terms. The report is pretty scathing: “Since its inception, NATO has essentially opted out of the intelligence business. The command structure is almost totally innocent of any …

Worth a Look: Field To Market–The Keystone Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture

Field To Market is a diverse alliance working to create opportunities across the agricultural supply chain for continuous improvements in productivity, environmental quality, and human well-being. The group provides collaborative leadership that is engaged in industry-wide dialogue, grounded in science, and open to the full range of technology choices. The Fieldprint Calculator is an educational …

Worth a Look: Life Cycle Assessment Made Simple

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a tool used to evaluate the potential environmental impact of a product, process or activity throughout its entire life cycle by quantifying the use of resources (“inputs” such as energy, raw materials, water) and environmental emissions (“outputs” to air, water and soil) associated with the system that is being evaluated. …