Robert Steele: House Report on S&T Mentions OSINT

A HPSCI staff duty by the Democrats with zero participation from the Republicans has produced the following: Invest in Open Source Intelligence As the international community’s tracking and analysis of the spread of COVID-19 has graphically demonstrated, intelligence collection must not be confined to traditional methods like secret meetings and technical means at Langley or …

Penguin: Twitter Investigation Report

Twitter Investigation Report Report on Investigation of Twitter’s July 15, 2020 Cybersecurity Incident and the Implications for Election Security Given that Twitter is a publicly traded, $37 billion technology company, it was surprising how easily the Hackers were able to penetrate Twitter’s network and gain access to internal tools allowing them to take over any …

Ed Jewett: DoD Spending $600M to Weaponize 5G Against Public [Robert Steele: If President Trump Is Successfully Assassinated, It Will Be Via a Scalar Electromagnetic Weapon Controlled by Rogue Elements of the US Military-Industrial Complex]

Pentagon to dish out $600mn in contracts for ‘5G dual-use EXPERIMENTATION’ at 5 US military sites, including to ‘aid lethality’ “… The US military has partnered with more than a dozen companies for “large-scale experimentation” with 5G technology, including efforts to enhance the [cyber]“lethality” of certain systems, in what’s slated to be a $600 million …

Berto Jongman: War on the Rocks Zachery Tyson Brown What If Sherman Kent Was Wrong? Revisiting the Intelligence Debate of 1949

What If Sherman Kent Was Wrong? Revisiting the Intelligence Debate of 1949 Zachery Tyson Brown, War on the Rocks One of Kent’s contemporaries noted in 1962 that most policy decisions were made without any input from intelligence — something Kent himself begrudgingly acknowledged and that has since been confirmed again, again, and again. Even when …