Stephen E. Arnold: Palantir Smoking Before Vaporizing?

Palantir Technologies: Minor Questions Remain DarkCyber noted “Techie Software Soldier Spy: Palantir, Big Data’s Scariest, Most Secretive Unicorn, Is Going Public. But Is Its Crystal Ball Just Smoke and Mirrors?” The write up joins the caravan of publications digging into the ins and outs of the intelware business.

Stephen E. Arnold: Is Palantir In Big Trouble?

Palantir Technologies: A Problem for Intelware Competitors? The Palantir Technologies initial public offering is looming. Pundits are excited; for example, “Palantir Has A Long Uphill Battle Towards Customer Acquisition, But Benefits From Stickiness And Contract Expansion” makes clear that the journey to profitability may be like the Beatles observed: A long and winding road. Others …

J. C. Cole: American Gray Swans – July 2020 Food, Food Security, and Famine!

American Gray Swans – July 2020 Food, Food Security, and Famine! Let us be real clear, unless you can stare at the Sun to draw enough energy to stay alive than you need Food to survive. It is a concept! Famine is historically the #1 Killer of Humanity, and America, Europe, and China are all …

Stephen E. Arnold: Google Version 2 — Be Very Afraid

Google Version 2: The Calculating Predator is the public version of a series of reports prepared for clients in 2005 and 2007. The topics covered in the monograph, published by a now defunct publishing company, included an a review of Google’s database technology Bigtable which remains today the core data management system after more than …