Journal: NRO, KR to AF, Open IC?, Piracy vs Piracy

Struggling Spy Satellite Agency Tries to Right Itself National Defense January 2010 SAN ANTONIO, Texas – The National Reconnaissance Office, the agency responsible for developing and launching the U.S. fleet of spy satellites, is embarking on an ambitious plan to right itself after years of cost overruns and program cancellations. But two powerful senators have …

Worth a Look: Contractors in Stability Operations

Stability Operations for Dummies: The Role of the Prvate Sector in Iraq (YouTube Briefing) Doug Brooks, founding President of the International Peace Operations Association (IPOA) has a video circulating that offers the soft sales pitch for outsourcing “contingency support.”  It is all positive and completely avoids all of the negatives, such as: 1.  Pillaging and …