Paul Adams: LtCol Alexander Vindman a Zionist Tool Used by Netanyahu to Schlong President Trump? We Think So. UPDATE 2: Vindman as Foreign Agent

Vindman is Jewish-American. Was he groomed to be America-First in Iraq, and, now, when the Zionists need Trump dumped, is he Israel-First as he throws Trump under the bus? Did Bibi have him in the WH as the perfect mole, as his insurance policy in case Trump did a 180 on Zionists? This theory dovetails …

James Fetzer: Sandy Hook “Pozner v. Fetzer” Lawsuit: The Basic Documents

Sandy Hook “Pozner v. Fetzer” Lawsuit: The Basic Documents The great public interest in this case leads me to make some of the most important documents, from the Complaint to the Oral Hearing to the Order of the Court affirming the Plaintiff’s Summary Judgment Motion and denying mine, even though I had explained that, by …

SPECIAL: Game-Changing Court Filing by Michael Flynn Defense Lawyer Sidney Powell…PLUS DoJ Criminal Inquiry Plus Seth Rich Murder Central Brennan Task Force Plus Stone & Manafort to Get Off?

UPDATE 6: Manafort and Stone can prove FBI lies & illicit surveillance UPDATE 5: Brennan Task Force Exposed, Haspel Cooperating with Barr? UPDATE 4: Ben Garrison cartoon immortalizes “Bull Durham” UPDATE 3: Story makes Stillness in the Storm & Zero Hedge — EPIC! UPDATE 2: Seth Rich murder is now central to the over-all inquiry. …

Matt Taibbi: “Everyone Is a Russian Asset” — Hillary Self-Destructs, NYT Joins Her….Can We Get Any Stupider?

Everyone Is a Russian Asset America laughed at Hillary Clinton’s remarks about Tulsi Gabbard, but her ideas fit perfectly in the intellectual mainstream The #Resistance has come up with all sorts of words for such fifth-columnists and deviationists: they are “false-balancers” or “false equivalencers,” “neo-Naderites,” “purity-testers,” “both-sidesists,” “whataboutists,” “horseshoe theorists,” “Russia skeptics” or “Russia denialists,” …