Amazon Kindle: Healing the Self & Healing the World – The Open Source Way (Trump Revolution Book 14)

41 pages with 14 graphics and 60 endnotes with links. As a professional intelligence officer, I approach all challenges from an information-centric perspective. My approach to healing the self and healing the world is rooted in what I know about the corruption – the lack of integrity – across all information domains. We lack both …

Robert Steele: Healing the Self & Healing the World – The Open Source Way (Trump Revolution 14)

Healing the Self & Healing the World: The Open Source Way Robert David Steele Defence & Intelligence Norway 13 September 2017 Editor-in-Chief Note: The author was recommended by me, and probably nominated by a Norwegian Minister, for the Nobel Peace Prize in January 2017. I believe that he is redefining defense, economics, governance, intelligence, and …

ANSWERS by Robert Steele for Joseph Cotto, San Francisco Review of Books

The San Francisco Review of Books is about to start posting some of Robert Steele’s 2000+ non-fiction reviews for Amazon (all available free online in both lists and by each of 98 categories at Phi Beta Iota / Reviews).  Here are some answers he offered to our questions in five short postings: As Published: 01 …

The Steele Report

The Steele Report consists of a text report each Monday with links and graphics, generally 2,500 words; and an interactive video each Saturday in which 25-35 questions submitted by subscribers are answered in the first 60 minutes, and then there is an impromptu conversation for another 30 minutes. The Steele Report is conceptualized as a …

Review: The Grand Self-Deception – A Libertarian Manifesto Against the Deep State – The Failed Welfare-Taxation Model of Norway

5 Stars — Destroys the Deep State in 479 Pages I met the author of this book in Norway, when he interviewed me for Ny Tid (Modern Times) in relation to my nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize, an interview that is on YouTube in multiple channels. I absolutely respect his combination of intelligence and …