Robert Steele: Is Trump Winning Over Democrats?

Detroit rep says hydroxychloroquine, Trump helped save her life amid COVID-19 fight Another Doctor Reports Dramatic Improvement In COVID-19 Patients Using Trump-Touted Treatment I am seeing more and more signs that the Democratic Party is imploding along several lines.  The above headline is part of it — the breakaway of activist left from establishment left, …

DefDog: Ground Intelligence on Bernie Sanders and His Bolshevik Fanatics — If Trump is Complacent He Could Lose!

Bernie Sanders was in San Antonio last night (very little publicity) at a rally about two miles from my house. It had 12,000 folks show up (Biden had about 10,000 when he was in town with the support of the Democrat Party). An individual, who is a strong Trump supporter attended to observe what is …

X22: Follow The Pen, The Gloves Are Off, Trump Comes Out Swinging

Alert Reader recommends 10:00 to 14:00 and summarizes: Q said to “follow the pen” on 5/16/18. We thought it was a writing pen; however, John Bolton is carrying an umbrella with the letters “THE PEN.” Looks like the Q Team already had this trap ready nearly two years ago !!! George Washington set up a …