Director of National Intelligence Self-Destructs…Again

Senator: Remarks about Libya ‘should be the final straw’ for Clapper (CNN) Clapper lambastes Russia; wait, isn’t Joe Biden in Russia? (The Hill) U.S. Intelligence Chief Says Qaddafi Has Edge in Conflict (NYT) US should keep up Lebanon military aid: intel chief (AFP) Losing Libya III (PajamasMedia) Phi Beta Iota: We used to admire Jim …

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Eben Moglen

Professor Eben Moglen is a long-standing champion of free and open source software and one of the top twelve to twenty-five minds thinking deeply in the English language about the future of the Internet consistent with creating a prosperous world at peace.  Among many other accomplishments, including global mind-melds in multiple languages, Professor Moglen is …

Intelligence Agencies Fund Games for Spying + RECAP

On top of everything else…. Spy Games: Intelligence Agency to Fund Video Games for Spooks Sharon Weinberger Contributor Scientists say video games can increase concentration, help with learning and even improve decision-making skills. Now, in an effort to improve the work of spies, the intelligence community may also resort to using educational games. Phi Beta …