John Maguire: Russia Goes to Full Strategic Combat Readiness (Troops & Bombers) Exercise in Eastern District (Furthest from Middle East)

While everyone is distracted by the Trayvon Martin case….two stories. From 14 July 2013: WW3 Brews As Nation Distracted By Trayvon Martin Case EXTRACT Now enter new reports surfacing from the Russian Defense Ministry on orders of Vladimir Putin that the largest military ‘state of full combat readiness’ drill is taking place with around 160,000 troops …

4th Media: Russian or Cuban Play on Snowden Hints at Chavez Cancer from CIA

Snowden Hasn’t Yet Had the Last Word: Truth about the Suspicious Death of Chaves? Is That Why US So Nervous? The threats and ultimatums with which the Obama administration is bombarding potential harborers of Edward Snowden should not surprise anyone. No other reaction from the U.S. authorities is possible. The likelihood that Snowden will be able to …

Richard Wright: Reflections on NATO Commentary — US Needs to Drop Down to Observer Status with Russia — Steele Comments

I think your thought piece on NATO is excellent, but somewhat incomplete.  NATO is the diplomatic and administrative headquarters, but the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) is the actual C2 for NATO military operations In my opinion, the U.S. needs to back out of NATO and its operational counter part SHAPE and leave both …

Rickard Falkvinge: Sweden Works for NSA Which Works for Israel, Against Russia and Also Europe?

Documents: Sweden Wiretapping Russia’s International Traffic For The NSA Privacy: Earlier documents put in context with recent revelations show that Sweden has been systematically wiretapping Russia on behalf of the United States. This is clear after putting a number of previous questionable agreements and developments in context today. The question that remains is what Sweden gets …

Berto Jongman: Did Israel Bypass Russians with Submarine Missile Attack on Syria Last Night?

Did an Israeli Dolphin submarine just bypass the Russian S-300 batteries in Syria ? Editor’s Note… Semi-official reports in the recent 36 hours describe a mysterious blast in a Syrian arms depot in the city of Latakia ,located well within the Allawite enclave in North Western Syria. FSA sources claimed responsibility for the blast, but …

NIGHTWATCH: Pakistan, China, & India — Regional Accommodation As US Gets Kicked Out of the Neighborhood — Next Up the Persian – Russian Peace Zone

Pakistan: Pakistan’s National Assembly on Wednesday formally elected Nawaz Sharif as prime minister. Sharif, 63, leader of the Pakistan Muslim League-N, was elected by an overwhelming majority. He received 244 of the 317 votes cast by assembly members. Many parties voted en bloc for Nawaz Sharif to curry favor with the new government. President Zardari …