Robert Steele: Megan Garber of Atlantic — Deep State Shill Attacks Alex Jones on Sandy Hook False Flag Operation

The Lasting Trauma of Alex Jones’s Lies The systems that have for so long helped to enforce the notion of collective truth in America are no longer sufficient: Deception is everywhere. And it is dangerous. ROBERT STEELE: Megan Garber is a tool — no doubt with the best of intentions but loosely educated — repeating …

Robert Steele: Neil Cavuto (Fox News) and Mike McCaul (R-TX, DHS) Are Bushies — Their Broadcast Just Now Was Defamatory, False, and Reprehensible UPDATE 2 Texas Drug Racket?

I’ve known for some time that Fox News is only marginally better than Crap News Network (CNN), but today Neil Cavuto persuaded me that Fox News is part of the Deep State media network and everyone at Fox News is an enemy of the President. The segment with Mike McCaul (R-TX) who has a role …

Review: The Great Revolt – Inside the Populist Coalition Reshaping American Politics

Salena Zito and Brad Todd 5 Star Insights Into How and Why Trump Won — Complements Our Towns The authors combine experience as a national political analyst for reputable media organizations with national-scope Republican advertising and opinion research. The book offers deep insights into how and why Donald Trump captured so many “Reagan Democrats” at …

Memoranda for the President on 9/11: Time for False Flag Deep State Truth! UPDATE 19: Israel Did It with Cheney & Mueller [New Book Indicts FBI In Detail]

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Robert Steele: Memorandum for the President: 9/11, Domestic False Flag Operations, and Your Legacy

9/11, Domestic False Flag Operations, and Your Legacy 4 July 2018 Dear Mr. President, The public needs to understand the truth about 9/11 and all of the follow-on domestic false flag operations organized by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) as part of the larger police state / anti-gun agenda. The National Rifle Association (NRA), …