Stephen E. Arnold: CyberTap (Engineering Centric) Kicks the Crap Out of “Advanced” Search (Sales Centric)

THE HONK (Email Subscription) As I was working through updates to the search vendor profiles on, I ran across a reference to Cybertap LLC. The company’s name rang a bell. I recalled an interview one of the goslings conducted with its founder in 2012. The point that caught my attention last week was a …

Stephen E. Arnold: Microsoft LinkedIn — A Real Loser?

Microsoft LinkedIn: Opting and Gigging Microsoft LinkedIn has determined that its millions of job seekers, consultants, and résumé miners can become gig workers. “LinkedIn Is Building a Gig Marketplace” asserts: LinkedIn is developing a freelance work marketplace that could rival fast-growing gig sites Fiverr and Upwork. The two-sided marketplace will connect freelance service providers with …

Stephen E. Arnold: LinkedIn Phishing Security Collapse?

Linked In Phishing One of the news items in an upcoming DarkCyber talks about LinkedIn phishing exploits. I want to mention this method of hijacking or intruding into a system for two reasons. First, Microsoft has been explaining and reframing the SolarWinds’ security misstep for a couple of months. The Redmond giant has used explanations …

Stephen E. Arnold: Machine Learning Bullshit — Web 3.0 Not . . .

The Building Blocks of Smart Software: Combine Them to Meet Your Needs I have a file of listicles. One called “Top 10 Algorithms in Data Mining” appeared in 2007. I spotted another list which is, not surprisingly, quite like the Xindong Wu et al write up. The most recent listing is “All Machine Learning Algorithms …

Stephen E. Arnold: SolarWinds – Virtual Rats Carrying Virtual Fleas

SolarWinds Are Gusting and Blowing Hard In considering some of the “odd” organizations compromised by SolarWinds, there are three reasons for why they might have been targeted: A launch pad for secondary attacks. The idea is that the original compromise was like a rat carrying fleas infected with the bubonic plague (arguably more problematic than …