Robert Steele: Atlantic Monthly on Donald Trump Jr. as the Natural Political Heir — and the End of Ivanka Trump as a Brand

The Heir Ivanka was always Trump’s favorite. But Don Jr. is emerging as his natural successor. ROBERT STEELE: The article is quite brilliant at multiple levels.  It is also in my view very unfair toward Donald Trump Jr. but ultimately accurate in concluding that he is the only Trump likely to be a success in …

Robert Steele: 5G is the Future, China is the Main Enemy? – Steve Bannon is a Moron

I wrote Steve Bannon off a while ago, but as he has been desperately scrabbling around for money (the Mercers very wisely cut him off) and is now running his mouth about shit he does not understand, I thought to highlight the headline below and make a comment. Stephen Bannon on Huawei and the Communist …

Robert Steele: Are Jared Kushner and Brad Parscale Skimming Tens of Millions of Dollars from Trump Campaign Contributions?

I have no direct knowledge but there is a sufficiency of observations to raise the question: are they are both skimming Trump campaign contribution beyond authorized amounts? It was not enough for Kushner to take a billion dollar bribe from Qatar — he may have cash flow issues.  Time for an audit! Trump Campaign Manager …