Robert Steele: Obama Weaponized CIA, DoJ, FBI Against Mike Flynn – Gulen Appears to be a Terrorist Supported by US Taxpayers Still Laundering Cash Back to the Clintons

While I have no direct knowledge I find the below write-up from Joe Holt at Gateway Pundit to be compelling. MUST VIEW: New Documentary Details How General Flynn Was Targeted and Set Up by Obama White House For Calling Out Clinton and Obama Supported Terrorist Cabal in the US Five points in the article, which …

John Solomon: Ukraine Bonfire – Obama Biden Clinton Kerry Nuland Yovanovitch Brennan List of Available Documents That Will Torch Them Once Released

A dozen document troves that could change the Ukraine scandal if Trump released them List Only: Daily intelligence reports State Department memos detailing conversations State Department memos on U.S. funding The transcripts of Joe Biden’s phone calls and meetings Office of Special Counsel whistleblower investigation documents All documents on Burisma from CIA, FBI, Treasury, State …

Paul Adams: Obama Destroyed Syria to Help Israel (and Because the Clintons Were Paid Tens of Millions by the Saudis to Get US Complicity in Both Syria and Yemen)

From 2017, relevant to Assange being tortured and perhaps brain washed with electronic or chemical poisoning in UK now. Clinton Email: We Must Destroy Syria For Israel A leaked Hillary Clinton email confirms that the Obama administration, with Hillary at the helm, orchestrated a civil war in Syria to benefit Israel.  Read full article with copy …

Mongoose: Tulsi Who? Is Gabbard a Total Manchurian Candidate and Replacement for Obama?

Alert Reader writes in: Tulsi Gabbard is certifiable other 0bumma, allegedly from same place, but with phantom childhood, as with 44.   but she being under cover “home school” control, and not unlike Michey 0bumma, there are no record of her youth, nor a friend.   She appears to be 100% controlled asset and not unlike that …