Owl: Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Connected to Mossad Jeffrey Epstein Pedophilia Entrapment Operations — Bill Clinton Was Primary Target – Includes Disinformation

 Former Spy Details Israel’s Main Motive Behind Epstein’s Sexual Blackmail Operation Bill Clinton was eventually blackmailed by the state of Israel and his administration was also targeted by Israeli espionage as part of the “Mega” spy scandal. Kevin MacDonald on ADL’s Close Ties to Mossad Pedophilia Entrapment Operations — and Use of CIA to Protect …

Owl: Borders for Us, Not for You: Higher Status in the Leftist Grievance Hierarchy Means You Can Invade Others’ Borders

Excellent new article on terrible and excessive Zionist influence across the extreme left. Borders for Us, Not for You: Higher Status in the Leftist Grievance Hierarchy Means You Can Invade Others’ Borders The Jewish libertarian Murray Rothbard (1926–95) described this aspect of leftist ideology very well in this passage of an otherwise long-winded and boring …

Owl: The Transgender-Transhuman — Genocide of Humanity the True Cost of Transgender – Transhuman Loss of All Values for Profit

This is vastly worse than the Great Depression contrived by the banks with the complicity of the US President.  This is about genocide of humanity for profit. Transgender Industry Only the First Phase of & Prelude to Transhumanism Industry The transgenderism industry – the drugs, the clinics, the specialized MDs, hospitals, surgeries – focused on …

Owl: Andrew Joyce, PhD: How Zionists Subvert Everyone Else

This article matters because it is the single best summary of the four ways in which Zionists, always using Jews as cod pieces, subvert everyone else: Culture of Critique — silence everyone else Culture of Tolerance — demoralize everyone else Culture of Sterility — sterilize and poison everyone else Culture of Usury — steal from …

Owl: Bradford Hanson Reflections on Jewish Intermarriage into Native Elites – Is Donald Trump Owned by the Zionists?

Reflections on Jewish Intermarriage into Native Elites Jewish intermarriage into non-Jewish power elites is a significant but under-researched aspect of Jewish strategies to maintain and expand influence. In fact, within a century the scale of Jewish intermarriage with the British aristocracy was such that it led L.G. Pine, editor of Burke’s Peerage from 1949–1959, to …