Worth a Look: Anatoly Fomenko on History, Fiction or Science?

Recorded history is a finely-woven magic fabric of intricate lies about events predating the sixteenth century. There is not a single piece of evidence that can be reliably and independently traced back earlier than the eleventh century. This book details events that are substantiated by hard facts and logic, and validated by new astronomical research …

Mongoose: UK Government Decides to Protect Political Pedophilia

Westminster Child Sex Probe Exempts Politicians Over ‘National Security Concerns’ Confidence in the inquiry has been rock bottom for some time. Last year the group Survivors of Organised and Institutional Abuse (SOIA) announced “with deep regret” that it was formally withdrawing from the inquiry, saying that the investigation was “not fit for purpose“. They said …

Henry Makow: Feminism Created by US Communist Party/Cabal

Feminism Was Created by the US Communist Party For newbies, I am reposting this key article, a review of Kate Wiegand’s Red Feminism: Communism and the Making of Women’s Liberation (2002) as a reminder that the  transformation of society in our lifetime was quite literally Communist-inspired. Communism, in turn, was a creation of the Masonic Jewish world …