Cynthia McKinney: Memorandum for the President 3.0

Robert Steele’s original Memorandum to the President, read by four million people world-wide, has been improved by Cynthia McKinney, co-founder of We the People — Unity for Integrity. It is provided below in full text and as a printable one-page document. We are certain Donald Trump, our legitimately-elected President, can be the greatest president ever, …

SPECIAL: Jared Kushner Working for Israel to Enable Saudi Arabian Nuclear Attack Against Iran UPDATE 3: Trump May Be Gaming Zionists & Saudis, Pence to Go?

ROBERT STEELE: I have learned from a person I trust that Jared Kushner is being used by Israel to rapidly enable Saudi Arabian nuclear attack capability against Iran. In his recent call to the Lockheed CEO asking for a 12% discount (it should have been 50%) on Lockheed’s missile defense system, Kushner was overheard discussing …

Dennis Kucinich: War or Peace?

War or Peace? Cleveland State University Wednesday, April 26, 2017 There is a dangerous condition in Washington, DC where people in positions of influence and great power are, at this very moment, pushing this nation and the world to the brink of a nuclear catastrophe.

English Democrats: #SixStarMovement — Six Reforms

We need to reform our system and take back control. #SixStarMovement Graham Moore: I fully support the English Democrats manifesto which can be found here. Our nation needs proper Democratic representation. Also in my “opinion” in order to progress and create value and wealth we need six things.  The Bradbury Pound paid for WW1, in …

Robert Steele: The Syrian Missile Attack — Theatrics & House Cleaning? False Flag Attack Organized by McCain, Brennan, McMaster, Funded by Saudi Arabia and Israel? (Trump Revolution 10)

The Syrian Missile Attack –Theatrics & House Cleaning? The outrage across America over the US missile attack against a Syrian air base is universal – only the Zionists and their increasingly desperate neo-conservative fellow travelers are happy. It is clearly understood by the US public at large that the so-called sarin gas attack was a …